Create your digital menu now

  • Asset 101 WhatsApp orders
  • Asset 101 Unlimited dishes
  • Asset 101 QR Code
  • Asset 101 and more...


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Your Premium digital menu includes:

Menú digital con código QR

QR Code

Download the QR code, print it and put it on your restaurant tables.

Menú en línea con pedidos a Whatsapp

WhatsApp orders

Activate the feature and receive orders to deliver to location or pick up at restaurant.

Menú en línea con pedidos a Whatsapp
Menú digital con delivery Uber Eats y Rappi

Social networks and delivery services

Show your social networks in your manu and add shortcut buttons to your delivery services.

Menú en línea con platillos ilimitados

Unlimited dishes

Add all the dishes and drinks on your menu. Includes name, description, price and promotional price.

Menú digital con platillos ilimitados
Menú digital con fotos de platillos


Upload a photo to each of your dishes and drinks.

Easy to manage

From your phone, laptop or computer, the Menurama administrator is quite friendly to add your restaurant information, upload your dishes and activate WhatsApp orders.

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